Belajar Bahasa Inggris - Ketemu lagi disini, diblog yang sederhana ini. Sebelumnya kami telah share artikel mengenai Conjunctions, dan kali ini kami share pelajaran Bahasa Inggris mengenai Prepositions. Apa itu Prepositions ? Prepositions adalah sebuah kata yang biasanya diletakkan sebelum kata benda atau kata ganti dan mengekspresikan sebuah hubungan dengan kata yang lainnya. Preposition sendiri dibagi menjadi dua yaitu Prepositions of Place dan Preposition of Time. Prepositions of place digunakan untuk menerangkan tempat, sedangkan Preposition of time digunakan untuk menerangkan waktu. Berikut contoh kalimat sederhana yang didalamnya terdapat prepositions ;
1. Andi goes to market after lunch (preposition of time)
2. The books are on the table (preposition of place)
Ada sekitar 150 kata prepositions yang digunakan dalam Bahasa Inggris. Berikut ini kami berikan 70 kata prepositions yang biasa atau sering digunakan di dalam kalimat Bahasa Inggris ;
aboard, about, above, across, after, against, along, amid, among, anti, around, as, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, besides, between, beyond, but, by, concerning, considering, despite, down, during, except, excepting, excluding, following, for, from, in, inside, into, like, minus, near, of, off, on, onto, opposite, outside, over, past, per, plus, regarding, round, save, since, than, through, to, toward, towards, under, underneath, unlike, until, up, upon, versus, via, with, within, without
aboard, about, above, across, after, against, along, amid, among, anti, around, as, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, besides, between, beyond, but, by, concerning, considering, despite, down, during, except, excepting, excluding, following, for, from, in, inside, into, like, minus, near, of, off, on, onto, opposite, outside, over, past, per, plus, regarding, round, save, since, than, through, to, toward, towards, under, underneath, unlike, until, up, upon, versus, via, with, within, without
A. Prepositions of Place
Prepositions of place mendeskripsikan posisi dari seseorang atau benda kepada orang atau benda lainnya. Untuk lebih jelasnya, kami berikan contoh-contoh dibawah ini ;
1. on
- on the wall
- on Central java.
- on the table
- on the left
- on the first floor
- on the bus, on a plane
- on TV, on the radio
2. at
- at the door, at the station
- at the table
- at a concert, at the party
- at the cinema, at school, at work
3. in
- in the kitchen, in Semarang
- in the book
- in the car, in a taxi
- in the picture, in the world
4. by, next to, beside
- Joko is standing by / next to / beside the motorcycle.
5. under
- the bag is under the bed
6. below
- The house is below the hill
7. over
- put a jacket over your shirt
- over 16 years of age
- walk over the bridge
- climb over the wall
8. above
- a path above the lake
9. across
- walk across the bridge
- swim across the lake
10. through
- drive through the tunnel
11. to
- go to the cinema
- go to Indonesia
- go to bed
12. into
- go into the living room
13. toward
- go 100 meters toward the school yard
14. onto
- jump onto the bridge
15. from
- a boy from Surabaya
B. Preposition of Time
Preposition of time digunakan untuk mendiskripsikan kapan sesuatu itu terjadi. Ada beberapa kata preposition of time yang bisa digunakan, diantaranya ;
1. on
- on Sunday
- on 7 December
- on 31 Dec. 2014
- on Independence Day
- on my birth day
2. in
- in March
- in the future
- in 2014
4. at
- at 9 o'clock
- at noon
- at the moment
- at night
5. since
- since 1990
6. for
- for 5 years
7. ago
- 5 years ago
8. before
- before 2013
- before breakfast
9. to/ until
- from Sunday to/ until Saturday
10. past
- twelve past six
11. by
- created by Samsung
Sampai disini dulu pembahasan kita mengenai Prepositions. Jika anda ingin mempunyai buku tentang English Preposition List lengkap dengan contohnya, silahkan download disini. Tunggu postingan-postingan terbaru dari kami selanjutnya mengenai tips belajar Bahasa Inggris. Semoga bermanfaat.
1. on
- on the wall
- on Central java.
- on the table
- on the left
- on the first floor
- on the bus, on a plane
- on TV, on the radio
2. at
- at the door, at the station
- at the table
- at a concert, at the party
- at the cinema, at school, at work
3. in
- in the kitchen, in Semarang
- in the book
- in the car, in a taxi
- in the picture, in the world
4. by, next to, beside
- Joko is standing by / next to / beside the motorcycle.
5. under
- the bag is under the bed
6. below
- The house is below the hill
7. over
- put a jacket over your shirt
- over 16 years of age
- walk over the bridge
- climb over the wall
8. above
- a path above the lake
9. across
- walk across the bridge
- swim across the lake
10. through
- drive through the tunnel
11. to
- go to the cinema
- go to Indonesia
- go to bed
12. into
- go into the living room
13. toward
- go 100 meters toward the school yard
14. onto
- jump onto the bridge
15. from
- a boy from Surabaya
B. Preposition of Time
Preposition of time digunakan untuk mendiskripsikan kapan sesuatu itu terjadi. Ada beberapa kata preposition of time yang bisa digunakan, diantaranya ;
1. on
- on Sunday
- on 7 December
- on 31 Dec. 2014
- on Independence Day
- on my birth day
2. in
- in March
- in the future
- in 2014
4. at
- at 9 o'clock
- at noon
- at the moment
- at night
5. since
- since 1990
6. for
- for 5 years
7. ago
- 5 years ago
8. before
- before 2013
- before breakfast
9. to/ until
- from Sunday to/ until Saturday
10. past
- twelve past six
11. by
- created by Samsung
Sampai disini dulu pembahasan kita mengenai Prepositions. Jika anda ingin mempunyai buku tentang English Preposition List lengkap dengan contohnya, silahkan download disini. Tunggu postingan-postingan terbaru dari kami selanjutnya mengenai tips belajar Bahasa Inggris. Semoga bermanfaat.
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